Cisco CCNP Routing & Switching update!
Are you preparing your CCNP R&S certification, it is time to speed up things if you want to take the exams before the new update. In fact, Cisco has announced the update of the CCNP R&S track to version 2.0.
You’ll always have the 3 exams (ROUTE, SWITCH, TSHOOT) but you’ll find some additional topics.
Let’s see this:
- The 642-902 ROUTE exam will be replaced by 300-101 ROUTE exam.
- The 642-813 SWITCH exam will be replaced by 300-115 SWITCH exam.
- The 642-823 TSHOOT exam will be replaced by 300-135 TSHOOT exam.
Here are the new topics for every exam:
ROUTE (300-101)
- CEF was in Switch exam, now we’ll find it in ROUTE exam ;
- TCP operations ;
- Configure and verify VRF lite is a new topic ;
- DMVPN and EVPN are new topics added to ROUTE exam ;
- And finally Cisco NetFlow.
These are the new topics that you’ll find on the ROUTE exam. Good news for you, Frame-relay is always here 🙁 !
SWITCH (300-115)
- Describe chassis virtualization and aggregation technologies (Stackwise).
This is the only new topic in the Switch Exam. And even if you take or took the 642-813 SWITCH exam, I recommend that you take a look at Cisco Stackwise technology because it’s a very important subject.
TSHOOT (300-135)
The new topics added in the Route and Switch exam will be added in TSHOOT exam.
The last test day to pass the old exams is 29 January 2015 . You still have a lot of time to pass it!
This is all that I have for you. If you want more information about the update TOPICs, just visit the links below:
And if you have already taken the Route exam for example, and you want to know the exams you have to take after the update, just visit the following link: